Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Science Techno Park (STP) participated in the Industry Gathering and Business Matching IPB 2024 exhibition, held on November 25-26, 2024, at the Startup Center Building, IPB, Bogor. This strategic event connected inventors, innovators, and startups with potential partners. The gathering facilitated technology adoption, product marketing, investment, and collaboration, leveraging facilities and services within IPB’s Science and Technology Park.
UGM STP showcased innovative products, including:
1. Osteogrin: Synthetic nanoparticle bone graft from eggshell waste for patients with bone defects.
2. Asilact: Herbal galactogogue supplement (daun katuk, kelor, temulawak) enhancing milk production.
3. TD Norm: Herbal medication (bawang putih, temu ireng, Kapulaga) alleviating hypertension symptoms.
These products demonstrate UGM’s research-based solutions addressing contemporary health challenges.
Future Prospects. UGM STP aims to expand strategic partnerships, enhance technology adoption, and foster cross-sector collaborations. “We believe synergy between academia, industry, and government will amplify innovation benefits for society. This event reinforces UGM’s commitment to supporting innovation commercialization, driving knowledge-based economic growth in Indonesia,” said Danny Wibisana, Coordinator of Information and Compliance, UGM Directorate of Business Development.