Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) with the tagline “socio-entrepreneurial university” carries a very strong moral message regarding the orientation and spirit of mutual cooperation to realize the mission of education, research and community service. This means that the existence of UGM is apart from being a reference in the development of science, technology and art, its existence also plays a role as a catalyst in the human development process which leads to increasing productivity and socio-economic welfare of the Indonesian people. One strategic step taken by Gadjah Mada University is to accelerate the acquisition of positive impacts on society through downstreaming the results of research and innovation carried out by the academic community through the existence of the UGM Science Techno Park. Based on Presidential Regulation Number 106 of 2017 concerning Science and Technology Parks and Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2019 concerning Management of the Implementation of Science and Technology Areas Article 1 paragraph (1), the Area Science and Technology (Science and Technology Park) is defined as a professionally managed vehicle to develop and encourage sustainable economic growth through the development, application of science and technology, and the growth of technology-based start-up companies (PPBT)..
UGM Science Techno Park is mandated as a productive research and innovation-based vehicle to support the learning process in synergy with industry and government, and focuses on overseeing 5 downstream areas, namely 1) Health and pharmaceuticals, 2) Agro-industrial, 3) New energy. and renewable, 4) Manufacturing, engineering and information technology, 5) Heritage, arts, culture and sustainable management. UGM Science Techno Park carries the tagline “Where Innovation Grows”, reflects on the tri dharma of higher education, and does not abandon the values of Pancasila. Apart from that, the UGM Science Techno Park is expected to be able to develop the economy of the surrounding area so that it is ultimately able to support technological independence, increasing the use of local resources to support technological independence in Indonesia.
UGM Science Techno Park has the following vision, mission and goals:
As a productive vehicle based on superior research and innovation, deeply rooted and becoming a national and global reference and continuing to serve the interests of the nation and humanity imbued with the nation’s cultural values based on Pancasila.
Carry out the delivery of university innovation products based on academic driven, industry driven and community based driven which are in line with education, research and community service as well as the preservation and development of superior knowledge that is beneficial to society.
Facilitate the downstreaming of university innovation products in various fields according to UGM’s competitive competencies so that they can be accepted and beneficial to the industrial community and wider society. The research-based industrial growth and development carried out is aimed at increasing product innovation that is applicable and able to meet community needs and can improve community welfare.