The pitching is one of several stages in the selection of the PRIME STeP 2023 funding program. The PRIME STeP is a funding program from the Directorate of Business Development and Incubation (PUI) together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in order to downstream the campus development.
Through PRIME STeP, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) through the PUI Directorate together with ADB provided three funding schemes consisting of a Startup Grant, an Innovation Grant, and a Tenant Grant. From 10 March 2023 to 14 March 2023, the PUI Directorate conducted a pitching selection for each of the PRIME STeP funding schemes.
On March 10, the PUI Directorate through the Innovative Academy conducted a Startup Grant pitching selection. The Pitching Tentant Grant presented Sebastian Alex Dharmawangsa, Fani Pramuditya, Zaki Falimbany, Sais Matahari Farransahat, and M. Genta Mahardika as the reviewers.
On March 13, the PUI Directorate through the incubation sub-directorate held an Innovation Grant pitching selection. The Pitching Innovation Grant presents reviewers from various clusters including Petrus Tedja Hapsoro, Arief Sudarsono, Ir. Djoko Lukanto, Naila Zulfa, Prof. Dr. Lilik Sutiarso, Wawan Hermawan, Dr. Sang Kompiang Wirawan, Prof. Dr. Mustofa, and Dr. Cristina Sandjaja.
Meanwhile, on March 14, the PUI Directorate through the business development sub-directorate conducted a series of Tenant Grant pitching selections. Pitching Tentant Grant presents Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, Ely Susanto, and Dr. Hempry Suyatna as reviewer.

A series of successful pitching is one of the steps to achieving the objectives of the PRIME STeP funding scheme. Look forward to other information updates regarding PRIME STeP through our website or social media platforms!