NPC Strip G is a medical device to help screen and detect nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC). This tool is designed to be a reference method for early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer at the basic health level easily, cheaply, quickly and accurately. This tool works with the immunochromatography method, detecting the interaction between antibodies and EA-EBV immunomarkers, and has been proven to have 100% specificity and 87% sensitivity. The use of NPC Strip G is aimed at level I health facilities in Indonesia. Some of the advantages of this tool include affordable prices, high sensitivity, easy to use and fast reading of results (±5 minutes). NPC G Strip already has a distribution permit with No. NIE: AKD 20306710479 and Patent P00201907352. The NPC Strip G Market Segment is ENT specialist doctors who practice in private hospitals, clinics or independent practices, government health facilities, and all primary and advanced treatment facilities in Indonesia.
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