Yogyakarta, December 10, 2024 – Universitas Gadjah Mada Science Techno Park (UGM STP) carried out the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Final Report of the 2024 Matching Fund Program for Vocational Schools at the TILC Building of the UGM Vocational School. The Matching Fund Program, which is managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), aims to support collaboration between universities and industry through innovation funding. This Monev activity aims to evaluate the substance and financial achievements that have been carried out by inventors during the program.
A total of 11 inventors participated in this monev, with an average output of 90%. This achievement reflects the commitment and hard work of the participants in completing all program activities. In addition, this monev is also an opportunity to discuss various challenges faced during the implementation and ensure the sustainability of the innovations produced.
UGM STP hopes that the results of this activity can encourage inventors to continue to develop innovative products that contribute to Indonesia’s technological and economic advancement. With satisfactory achievements, it is hoped that this program will be able to become a model for developing collaboration-based innovation at the national level.