Innovative Talk is a series of Innovative Academy #3 socialization, was held at Graha Sabha Pramana. Innovative Talk was held in cooperation between the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Kibar that present speakers who are business people’s startup, such as: Sale Stock, Kerjabilitas, and Mojok.
Sale Stock sells women’s clothing quality at a very affordable price through eliminating the middleman, cut overhead expenses, and focus by online selling. Muhammad Ghufron Mustaqim (VP of People Operations and Service at SaleStock) shared that the Sale Stock offers products at honest prices and “less profit”. In contrast with the other stores that wants to get the maximum profit. Sale Stock that familiar call their customers with “sista”, wants to make all women can enjoy fashion without spending high cost.
While Kerjabilitas arise due to problems in the opening of job information, which claimed job seekers must have be “health” from physically and mentally. The questions arise how about the the disability‘s job seekers. On the basis of these ideas, Kerjabilitas seeks to provide job information for disabilities people, in order to able to work in companies that they are expected. Ruby Emir (CEO Kerjabilitas) said that people with disabilities are not disabled, but they are different. People with disabilities become disabled because of the environment.
Mojok tries to persuade the reader into critical thinking in a witty way. Mojok also invites the reader to see things in a different way. Mojok is the media that embodies the writings of authors who has an excess of energy and creativity. A media with fresh content and entertained, whose contents have fun. Agus Mulyadi (Editor of Mojok) said that currently, Mojok own 140 authors, with 3,000,000 readers, 24,500,000 page views, and 15,000 visits per day. Mojok always appreciate the papers that use local wisdom language. The different between Mojok and other media contents are the contents style. Mojok has light and humorous content style.
In the panel discussion, UGM hope that discussion about the experience of building the startup by the speakers can foster entrepreneurial spirit of UGM students. That spirit will be facilitated by UGM through the Innovative Academy #3 program.