Incubation Services Program
The incubation sub-directorate is one of the sub-directorates under the Directorate of Business Development and Incubation (Dit. PUI) Universitas Gadjah Mada. The directorate of PUI itself has a function to perform system development in the use of the products of research and innovation in universities becomes feasible for the industry. This is a step towards achieving one goal in the 2017-2022 UGM Plan and Strategy, namely increasing the productivity of the UGM business unit like an incubator for business results from research and studies, and contributing to UGM financing. Thus, sample products of research results are very important to be made as the display, marketing, and communication tools regarding the functions and advantages of products offered by UGM to prospective users, industrial partners, and the wider community.
The incubation sub-directorate of UGM has an important role in the downstreaming of research and innovation products. The incubation process in producing research results consists of technology incubation and business incubation. Technological incubation is basically a process to support the development or improvement of research product innovations so that they are ready for use by industry or society in general. In the decommissioning process, business incubation is also carried out, namely a process to support and develop the business of a technology-based startup company so that it can become a profitable company and has proper organizational and financial management, as well as being a sustainable company, so that it has an impact on society.
The functions carried out by the incubation sub-directorate include:
- Mentorship
The mentorship function is carried out by legal and business experts, who can provide input and assistance related to legal and business aspects. Legal aspects, including protection of the rights of technology owners on intellectual property, economic consequences for products marketed, legal requirements for launching products to the market, and legal implications for products that have been marketed. Meanwhile, from the business aspect, mentors can provide input on market analysis (consumers and potential competitors), business financing, business planning, and economic feasibility.
- Networking
The networking function positions the Incubation center as a door for industry and investors to enter the world of higher education, and a liaison for entrepreuneurs and inventors to industry and potential investors. To carry out this function, the Directorate of PUI has access to government, industry and other stakeholders.