Universitas Gadjah Mada is the host of the Hackathon, the third stage of “National Movement 1000 Digital Startups”. Hackathon held on Saturday and Sunday, 22 to 23 October 2016 at Graha Sabha Pramana Building was different from the usual. In general, the Hackathon is known as Hacking and Marathon. However, the National Movement 1000 Digital Startups transformed it into Hacksprint, that is Hacking and Sprint. Hacksprint was done hacker, hustler and hipster and have challenged to be able to build product which can solve major problems in Indonesia, in a relatively short time, and the team directly validate to the real market.
The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia through the Directorate General of Informatics Applications, Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, B.Sc. gave opening speech as a symbol of the beginning of the Hackathon, National Movement 1000 Digital Startups in Yogyakarta. At that he said that the government is committed to support the young generation as a player in realizing the Digital Energy of Asia in 2020 ahead. According to him, the important thing in this stage is sharing and networking. Hackathon is not a competition, but compile and collaborate on ideas. The ideas can be split up to create the best solutions.
Mr. Samuel thanked to Universitas Gadjah Mada for the support to Hackathon, National Movement 1000 Digital Startups through the existence of Innovative Academy, a semi-structured program of incubation organized by the Directorate of Business Development and Incubation Universitas Gadjah Mada directed to form startups (startup business ) with the character of Indonesia.
The event ended with a ceremonial sounding the trumpets by the Directorate General of Informatics Applications, Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, B.Sc., Secretary of Director of Business Development and Incubation UGM, Budhijanto, M.T., Ph.D., and Chief Activist FemaleDev, Alamanda Shantika as the mark of the Hackathon event was officially started. Furthermore, each team will create a prototype product that is structured in a fast time. Prototype products will be selected by a jury and the three teams with the best products are entitled to a special reward in the form of Chromebooks from Acer.