Laminated Sago Wood is obtained from the bark of a sago tree that is remained material after the bark is taken its pith. This product is used in residential houses construction and produced by cold compression techniques and polyurethane adhesive application. Technical specifications of this product according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard No. D143 are as follows: Broken flexural strength (MoR) = 58 ~ 81 MPa; Modulus of Elasticity (MoE) = 15,000 MPa; Compressive strength = 46 MPa; Shear strength = 2.7 ~ 4.2 MPa; Tensile strength = 64 MPa; Density (at 15% moisture content) = 730 kg / m3. Inventor: Dr. Ir. H. Muslikh M.Sc., M. Phil.; Ali Awaludin, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.; dan Lasinta Ladisa, S.T., M.T. Faculty: Engineering