Black rice cultivars Cempo Ireng is one of the superior products of Yogyakarta Special Region which has the potential to be developed as a functional food. High anthocyanin content of black rice has a high antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are compounds that can prevent hyperlipidemia condition. The development of black rice to be instant foods such as cereal or fast food has the potential to be developed into a health supporting local food products. Cereal products are likely to be more popular with the public, especially breakfast cereals because it can be consumed directly and requires a little time for preparation (less than 3 minutes only). Instant cereal products have the composition in the form of black rice flour and cornstarch or tapioca starch. Proximate analysis results indicate that the cereal product containing ash, water, lipid, and protein of 2.075; 4,025; 11.54; and 3.59%. The cereal product contains no calories 4575.66 cal/ g. Inventor: Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri S.Si., M.Si. Faculty: Biology