On 17 February 2023, representatives from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) paid a visit to UGM for the “Inception Mission Meeting PRIME Step 2023”. Through the Directorate of Incubation Business Development, the visit was divided into two activities: a discussion session and a site visit.
The activity began with a discussion session which took place at the UGM Central Building by presenting representatives from ADB; Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology; Bappenas; Deputy Chancellor for Research, Business Development, and Cooperation; UGM Directorate of Development and Incubation; UGM Finance Directorate; and UGM Internal Audit Office.
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Activities in” Session 1: Inception Meeting” are divided into 4 (four) agendas which contain UGM STP introduction and discussions related to the PRIME STeP 2023. The activity continued with a site visit to the RnD Center and STP UGM Corporate Lab. The site visit was carried out by visiting the Dental Learning Center, the UGM Integrated Research Laboratory, and the Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC-UGM).
After that, the activities continued in “Session 2: Interaction with Researchers and Startups” which consisted of interactions and introductions to the researchers and the startups under the auspices of the Innovative Academy. Then, the activity ended with a site visit to one of the UGM Science Techno Park (UGM STP) areas in Purwomartani. ADB’s visit to UGM STP Purwomartani was carried out to demonstrate various inventions, technologies and products under the auspices of UGM STP.